Our Mission is to tackle laws that are designed to weaken and divide people to undermine American Families.

Section 2 Clauses (Only Showing Banning Special Interests)

“Under no circumstances shall lawmakers, jurors, attorneys, judges, council members, mayors, cabinet members, leadership of executive branch departments, the speaker, lieutenant governor, governor, vice-president, nor the president shall take measures to make income or profit (for themselves or other people) from companies or organizations or institutions whose fortunes are being determined or influenced by the government at the time of the order, judgement, or law being passed starting from when it was first proposed if associated or connected to such proceedings nor make income or profit from money raised from taxes or spent by the government nor be an agent of or invest in or make income or profit from foreign governments or jurisdictions or from companies or organizations or institutions from such jurisdictions nor be an agent for illegally exerting control over or track money privately owned by people, organizations, companies, or institutions nor violate the due process previously defined in the United States Constitution when administrating a hearing, trial, or conducting an investigation.

Nor shall bribes be made or attempted to hinder, stop, or prevent a campaign of a candidate or a potential candidate for office.

In the case of the existence of a federal intelligence agency or any federal intelligence agency established hereafter (which can only be established by the federal government as all other intelligence activities are treasonous and subject to the clauses below and those previously defined in the United States Constitution), all actions undertaken must be duly reported to the President and the Vice President of the United States; United States Supreme Court; Speaker of the United States House of Representatives; and all other relevant leadership that the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate may from time to time establish or remove as per the rules and regulations established or revoked by their respective chambers.  

Failure to abide by this is a criminal offense (federal (in all cases) and possibly state/territory depending on if the office in particular represents a state/territory or a portion of a state/territory and the relevant laws of the state/territory) and if convicted the official forfeits his or her position and is barred from holding any governmental office, however, if the conviction is later found to be wrong then the official will be reinstated or if unable to be reinstated then he or she will be justly compensated for the remainder of the term that he or she was unable to serve and regains the privilege of being able to hold a governmental office.

However, in the case of invasion by illegal immigrants or misconduct of any federal intelligence agency as per the clauses above that is not remedied by the federal government due to proven or demonstrable inaction, the state shall be vested the power to prosecute such crimes and seize sole authority over any militia previously provided for by the federal government.

All such high crimes and misdemeanors as defined above, and bribery and treason as previously defined in the United States Constitution due to their political nature shall not have any limits on how long the crime can be tried after taking place.

This applies even to nongovernmental persons such as but not limited to lobbyists, organizations, civilians, and foreign actors.
Lobbyists and other nongovernmental persons who participate in such crimes shall be subject to an appropriate punishment of an equal weight with respect to the punishment of and the crime committed by the offending public official or what an offending public official would receive if there were no public officials participating in the crime.

Under no circumstances shall the government (federal, state, or local) exercise control over or track money (including precious metals and jewelry) privately owned by people, organizations, companies, or institutions except in the cases of crime as per the due process previously defined in the United States Constitution or for preventing a bankruptcy of a financial institution or during bankruptcy or such proceedings or in the cases of requests of financial aid to prevent insolvency of an institution, organization, company, or person in which case it shall only exert financial control over the failing institution, organization, company, or person only.” (Pages 13-18)

We have created a framework that can immediately be voted and ratified into Constitutional law to not only Make American Families Great Again but keep them great forever!

Included as per the table of contents (A total of $1.5 million value in lobbyist fees of the time I've spent on it):

Section 1 (Employment and Medical Services) (Page 6)

Section 2 (Anticorruption) (Page 13)

Section 3 (Constitutional Convention) (Page 29)

Section 4 (Family Law) (Page 32)

Section 5 (Shares & Securities Exchange, Taxation, and Borrowing) (Page 56)

Section 6 (Harassment and Restraining Orders) (Page 66)

Section 7 (Immigration) (Page 69)

Section 8 (Judicial Powers and The Senate) (Page 74)

Only for $57 paperback or $76 hardcover.

Section 5 Clauses

“Under no circumstances shall it be allowed for shares or securities of any company or institution to ever be lent nor payment be accepted for routing securities or share orders off traditional securities and share exchanges nor revealing order information.” (page 56)

This bans payment for order flow and short selling in the stock market (both concepts I explain in further detail in my book)!

“There shall be no discrimination on the taxation rate and economic opportunities on the basis of incorporation, race, ethnicity, sex, religion, culture, language, income, employment, wealth, caste, family, medical issues, physical characteristics, or social status.”

“Taxes shall be levied so that no more than 20% is paid on the following (This applies only for domestic taxation (Citizens, Legal Residents, Legal Immigrants, and Organizations Incorporated or formed in the United States or its territories)):

(1)The profit or the surplus of the income at the end of the year after expenses(2) net equity/net worth (with the exception of any property used personally for the purposes of commuting or residence) (3) natural resources from mineral exploration on land (4) the precious stones/ metals/ mineral obtained from sea(5) treasures discovered from any land (6) the land which is given by local/state/federal government for cultivation (7) the spoils of war (not acquired by government).

Any spoil of war acquired by the government is subject to a tax (obligation to its jurisdiction) of 20% of its value paid back to the people within its jurisdiction.

Any private property taken for public use shall have an additional 20% of its value from just compensation paid back by the government as a tax to the previous owner.

No additional taxes shall be levied except by the federal government with the two-thirds majority in both the House of Representatives and the Senate and all states and territorial governments ratifying.

These additional taxes shall by their very nature be temporary and they will have a stipulated period of time when they expire or otherwise shall be null and void and therefore unenforceable.

Additionally, henceforth (from the moment of adoption of this amendment) instead of charging interest, equity participation and profit-and-loss sharing shall be done in its stead and such transactions of charging interest done hereafter are null and void, payments decreed to be returned, and punishable by law.” (Pages 62-65)

This makes it so people (Citizens, Legal Residents, and Legal Immigrants) just like domestic businesses are taxed on money left over after expenses are paid and at a lower tax rate and the federal government has unlimited power to tax foreigners such as foreign business and imports.

Come One Come All!

We are in a crisis! Men and Women have become estranged and are no longer coming together to have a family and bring children into this world! For the last 100 years nasty laws have been passed all across the 50 states that has totally destabilized America by destroying the time-honored institution of marriage and desecrated the sanctity of life!

I present the correct solution to this problem that addresses major levels of the American legal system and can be embedded into the United States Constitution and become the law of the land as it is right now!

If you are interested in talking with your state or federal representative or senator's office, it is always handy dandy to have a hard copy of my book (paperback or hardcover).

If for you this is a mere page turner or something for mere collection without you going out and taking action or distributing it to like-minded people, then please don't buy the paperback or the hardcover versions as you will be wasting your focus.

Also, Please Be Sure to Come Back and Write a Review in Amazon After Getting Your Book!

Post Breakup Parenting Struggles or Paternity Fraud?

If you are a parent that has gone through a breakup with the other parent of your kid(s) or a victim of paternity fraud, then this is the right place for you. Here we will be addressing laws that have made your life difficult.

Section 4 Clauses (Only Showing Paternity Fraud Legal Proposal)

“In the cases of paternity fraud, a sentence no less than the amount of time from the conception of a child to the time it takes to reach the age of majority(adulthood) shall be imposed (with community service being a possibility as away of serving the sentence).

The person who has been defrauded shall be released from all obligations and duly compensated for any past obligations along with court and attorney fees that the defrauded person had to pay.

Additionally, all compensation shall be paid back to the person who has been defrauded before the offender can be released from prison.

Furthermore, the offender must be registered as a sex offender for the duration of the offender's life and the record cannot be sealed or expunged or in any way hidden.

In any case, any law that abridges or otherwise infringes on a person’s ability to challenge the paternity of a child that is presented as the biological offspring of the said person shall be null and void.

And in all cases, a person will retain the right to challenge the paternity of a child that is presented as the biological offspring of the said person and must be duly informed of this right every time matters regarding or related to paternity arises.” (Pages 36-38)

This is how we can begin to combat paternity fraud by making it illegal!

What Inspired Me to Be Involved in Politics?

As a kid I was forced to turn down a Scandinavian girl of my age because of the way the consent laws are written in states like my home state of Kansas where I would be the first to turn 18 and we were both below 16 the age of consent (14-15 years of age at the time). I did not know, nor did I trust her parents because growing up I found out that a lot of the kids I grew up with, their parents taught them false and very negative stereotypes about people of my faith. Also, in Kansas parents can marry off their kids between the ages of 16 and 17 (they can decide who their kids get to see) and the law is additionally unconstitutional (violates the 14th amendment equal protection of the law) because on one hand it is illegal for a person 18+ to be involved with anyone below 18 but with parental approval (marriage) then it is not a problem (the sheer hypocrisy of the law). What’s even more distressing is the law allows people to be intimate while not allowing them to form long lasting relationships until they are both 18+.

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